Denison Magazine - Issue 01 | Spring 2006

issue 01 | spring 2006

The way writer Mark Dowie ’62 sees it, in order to address the problems of life on Earth, sometimes you just have to raise hell

By Sally Ann Flecker

The earthen, human, stirring poetry of English professors and soulmates Ann Townsend ’85 and David Baker

Photography By Michelle Murphy

The story of one large chunk of the earth way up in Alaska—named for one small college in Ohio—and two attempts to conquer it.

By Scott Rawdon

For the residents of Denison’s Homestead, leading a simple and sustainable lifestyle is anything but simple.

By Evelyn Frolking
Photography by Beth Reynolds, Nolan Calisch ‘06, and others.

A Work for Art

The possibility of renovating the tired Cleveland Hall takes a big step toward reality with a generous commitment from a St. Louis family

Higher Ground - A Work for Art - Spring 2006

Fevered Pitches

Two Denison women’s teams take their places in the national spotlight

Fevered Pitches Denison Magazine Cover

Swimming with the Fishes

Marine conservationist and photographer Wolcott Henry ’79 has captured thousands of beautiful underwater images. But in truth, he reports,…

Swimming with the Fishes Denison Magazine Cover

Car Wars

Economist Mustafa Mohatarem ’76 speaks out against Japan’s monetary policies on behalf of the U.S. automobile industry

The Columns - Car Wars - Spring 2006

A Joyous Sound

Raymond Wise ’83 challenges conventions by meshing spiritual music with classical styles

The Columns - A Joyous Sound - Spring 2006

Staring into the Face of Disaster

When the next terrorist attack or natural disaster or pandemic occurs, the public’s greatest hope for survival, argues epidemiologist Thomas…

Staring into the Face of Disaster - Spring 2006

A Basic Human Right

Cora Walsh (fourth from right) with students she taught at a summer camp in Tanzania in 2004.

Uncommon Ground - A Basic Human Right - Spring 2006

Partnership for Life

The world is upheld by the veracity of good men: they make the earth wholesome. They who lived with them found life glad and nutritious. Lif…

Uncommon Ground - Partnership for Life - Spring 2006

Mast' from the Past

Talk of mysteries!—Think of our life in nature,—daily to be shown matter, to come in contact with it,—rocks, trees, wind on our cheeks! The …

Uncommon Ground - Mast' from the Past - Spring 2006

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