All students are welcome to attend the Game of Life Event on Wednesday, November 13th from 4-6pm in Slayter, 3rd floor.
It will take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. This event gives an individual the chance to pick a job title (from a list curated by the Career Center). From there move around the room to different tables as you fill out a budget sheet for the “month”. Many departments on campus are participating and are there to help answer questions about these different topics.
Financial Aid will be hosting the financial aid table and if you have loans or think you do they can get that information and give you real time data on what your student loan repayment would look like. If you are planning to go to graduate school that will be incorporated into your budget as well. From there visit banking/savings, taxes/insurance, housing/utilities just to name a few!
Every 15 minutes a raffle prize will be drawn for those participating. Thinking about having a pet? The Humane Society will be onsite with some cute dogs in tow but also to talk about the cost of pet ownership! The food table will be hosted by a representative from Bon Appetit who has lived all over the world himself and can speak to what a food budget should look like when comparing dining out and eating in. Of course there is also food catered for the event available to all who participate! Finish off at the solutions table where you can look at your months budget and think about what choices you made and what to consider when you really graduate. Fill out a brief survey and enter to win the grand prize!
You can pre-register for the event. Registration is not required so no worries, anyone is welcome to participate whether you have registered or not.