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Sangeet Kumar’s research interests are focused on the global dimensions of digital and popular culture. His ongoing projects explore the global dimensions of digital media infrastructures analyzing the social, cultural and political consequences of their growth and uptake in the global South. He is the author of the recently published The Digital Frontier: Infrastructures of Control on the Global Web (Indiana University Press 2021). Additionally, his research has also appeared in journals such as Internet Policy Review, Information, Communication and Society, International Journal of Communication, Popular Communication, Global Media and Communication and several anthologies. He teaches courses that explore digital media and popular culture from critical, theoretical, global and postcolonial perspectives. Prior to his academic career he was a journalist for a daily based out of New Delhi in India.

A list of his scholarship can be found here.

Among the classes he frequently teaches at Denison include Algorithmic Culture (Comm 421) and Google and the Global Politics of Search (Comm 315).

B.A., Delhi University, India; M.A., University of New Mexico, Albuquerque; Ph.D., University of Iowa




Selected articles/book chapters:

  • Tasks, Sacrifices and Digitized Rituals: Interpellating the Indian Subject Through Rites of Nationalism” in Media Culture and Society, January 2024.
  • The Digital and The Postcolonial” in Oxfort Research Encyclopedia of Communication Oxford, UK, July 2024.
  • “Manipulated Facts and Spreadable Fantasies: Battles Over History in the Indian Digital Sphere.” In Eds (Herman Wasserman and Dani Madrid-Morales) Disinformation in the Global South, 26-40. WIley-Blackwell (April 2022)
  • “Beyond the Nation: Cultural Regions in South Asia’s Online Video Communities” (with Aswin Punathambekar and Sriram Mohan) in Eds. (Stuart Cunningham & David Craig) Creator Culture: Studying the Social Media Entertainment Industry NYU Press, June 2021
  • “The algorithmic dance: YouTube’s Adpocalypse and the gatekeeping of cultural content on digital platforms” in Internet Policy Review Vol 8: 2 (June 2019)
  • “Twitter as Liveness: #ShamedInSydney and the Paradox of Participatory Live Television” in Eds. (Punathambekar, A. & Mohan, S.) Global Digital Cultures University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI. (2019)
  • “Charting an Itinerary for Postcolonial Communication and Media Studies” (With Radhika Parameswaran) in Journal of Communication 68:2 (2018): 347-358
  • “A river by any other name: Ganga/Ganges and the postcolonial politics of knowledge on Wikipedia.” Information, Communication & Society 20.6 (2017): 809-824.
  • “YouTube Nation: Precarity and Agency in India’s Online Video Scene.” International Journal of Communication 10 (2016): 18.
  • “Contagious memes, viral videos and subversive parody: The grammar of contention on the Indian web.” International Communication Gazette 77.3 (2015): 232-247.
  • “The fatal snare of proximity: live television, new media and the witnessing of Mumbai attacks.” South Asian history and culture 3.4 (2012): 532-548.
  • “Google Earth and the nation state: Sovereignty in the age of new media.” Global Media and Communication 6.2 (2010): 154-176.


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