Consulting programs

Gain hands-on consulting experience as you work with real clients to solve problems. Our consulting programs equip you with tools, skills, and experience to enter any problem-solving environment.

Denison Consulting

Be part of a student team that serves as consultants for real-world business and nonprofit problems. Work on semester-long projects, guided by experienced partners in residence as you progress over a four-year path: consultant, senior consultant, manager, and senior manager. Each promotion leads to an increase in responsibility for client relations, team leadership, and support.

RED Corps

The RED (Research, Engagement, and Design) Corps is a highly sought-after yearlong fellowship. As part of this team of student employees, you consult with campus clients who are making important decisions for Denison. You examine challenges and then provide solutions by exercising a variety of skills in research methodology, data analysis, and design thinking. Your insights and recommendations to Denison leadership are a great opportunity to leave your legacy on The Hill.

Knowlton Center Consulting Pathway

While Red Frame’s consulting programs prepare you for many career paths, we’ve seen increased student interest in consulting careers specifically. As a result, the Knowlton Career Center has created an immersion program specifically for students interested in a career in consulting, with a particular focus on preparing them for case interviews.

Design thinking

Harness empathy, divergent thinking, and rapid prototyping skills as you learn design thinking’s learn-by-building approach to problem-solving.

UX Design

Learn user experience (UX) design tools and skills in an immersive three-day workshop. Take advantage of nearby Columbus as you explore the workings of businesses and nonprofit organizations in the area.


Where some see problems, entrepreneurs see opportunity. A significant number of current Denison students have developed businesses and nonprofits. Many graduates characterize themselves as entrepreneurs at some point in their career journey.

Red StartUp

Workshop your business ideas as you grow your skills and your entrepreneurial mindset. Mentors help bring your concepts to life — from identifying the right market to building a business plan and identifying funding sources.

Red StartUp culminates in a funded pitch competition that celebrates the hard work, community, and willingness to take risks that strengthen confidence for future endeavors.

Red Accelerate

With the experience of Red StartUp in your tool kit, here’s the program to take your business to the next level. You are matched with a mentor to evaluate your initiative and map out next steps to strengthen and position you and your business for success.

Faculty Collaborations

The Red Frame Lab collaborates with faculty to amplify their classes with professional development. For example, student teams designing a nonprofit organization to address a need in a distant country would receive visits from the Red Frame Lab and learn project management, effective teamwork, design thinking, and professional presentation tips. Collaborating departments have included anthropology, global commerce, data analytics, environmental studies, philosophy, and psychology.