Carson, we all know that when you’re a chemistry and biochemistry senior fellow, you’re probably pretty smart, and you even have the GPA to go with it. What catches people’s attention, though, is that as a researcher you are thoughtful and insightful in the questions you ask of others in working groups during research discussions. You set a tone by simultaneously being supportive and light-hearted, even while holding yourself and your peers to high scientific standards.
One nominator observed, “It’s my experience that a scientist most often shows their true colors when faced with experiments that aren’t working as expected. Carson has faced his share of experimental set-backs, and in those situations has shown himself to be careful in reflection, eagle-eyed in spotting places where his technique or setup might have been flawed, meticulous in lab documentation, and creative in brainstorming about alternative approaches.” In other words, you fail well, and that’s an important life skill.
For the Denison community, you also took a struggling Habitat for Humanity chapter and helped to turn it around to success, an outcome that has already helped many families put themselves back into secure housing, and efforts which will help many more students do the same service in future years. One of your nominators summed it up well: “[Carson] will live a life that benefits others, he will stretch his mind and his abilities daily, and he will make Denison very, very proud.”