Academics Earth and Environmental Sciences Faculty & Staff Faculty & Staff Faculty and Staff contact information for the Earth and Environmental Sciences. Navigate Earth & Environmental Sciences About Degree Requirements Courses Facilities Outside the Classroom Faculty & Staff Faculty Anessa DeMers Visiting Assistant Professor Anjali M. Fernandes Assistant Professor 740-587-5643 David Goodwin Professor 740-587-5621 Matthew Cross Jungers Associate Professor 740-587-5078 Erik Klemetti Associate Professor Chair of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Geosciences 740-587-5788 Morrison Nolan Visiting Assistant Professor
The science behind the art of writing The course emphasizes storytelling for scientists looking to publicize their work and teaches storytellers how to write about science with more expertise.
Students search for the source of killer earthquakes A geology field trip to the Andes seeks to better understand the sources of major earthquakes and save lives.
Bringing diversity to earth and environmental sciences Assistant professor Anjali Fernandes provides a role model and opportunities for her students.
Student research makes a splash in Raccoon Creek For Caroline Lopez ’25, summer means working alongside a favorite professor as part of Denison’s Summer Scholars program.
6 questions with Earth and Environmental Sciences’ David Goodwin The professor discusses his department’s rebrand, the growing interest in environmental issues, and his feelings on cell phones.
Unearthing the mystery of volcanic eruptions Professor Erik Klemetti is winning awards for writing about his favorite research topic: volcanoes.
Exploring the Mississippi Delta An NSF grant gives students a rare opportunity to study the impact of geologic processes in real time.
How We Learn Geoscience Major Elliot Hayne ’20 Conducts Research in the Pacific Elliot Hayne ’20, a geosciences major, sailed with SEA Semester on a scientific research voyage to the remote Phoenix Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
How We Learn Geologic History Intersects the Modern Era A geology student with a talent for journalism uncovers the recent past through WWII letters between a professor and his wife.
How We Learn Revealing the Real Richard III King Richard III is one of the most talked-about figures in history. Denison students find that the famous monarch may not be who we thought he was.
How We Learn Dear College Student: Why you should take geology In a Wired blog, Geosciences Professor Erik Klemetti extolls the benefits of geology.
Where We Go Geologist/best-selling writer A Colorado geologist moonlights as a successful mystery writer.
How We Learn Economy as an Ecosystem The odd pairing of an economist and a paleontologist proves successful
How We Learn Liz Bertolett, '15 I love geology because I enjoy learning about the world around me while being able to experience the things I learn first-hand.
How We Learn Al Weik: Portrait of a scholar-athlete Senior Al Weik recently won two national swimming championship events. But he's also a person who is very grounded in geosciences.
In the News Prof. Lucy McAllister leads study of environmental news coverage McAllister says media need to "articulately convey the interconnected nature of climate change." The study analyzed nearly 100,000 articles. Read more
University News Denison welcomes faculty to tenured positions Tenure has been awarded to five members of the faculty, who will be promoted to associate professor in fall 2023. Read more
Faculty Prof. Dave Goodwin present research on COVID economic models Earth sciences professor Dave Goodwin applies his research modeling expertise to the COVID puzzle. Read more