Students who matriculate prior to the Fall of 2023 may choose to graduate with a Anthropology/Sociology (ANSO) degree. For those students interested in Anthropology (ANTH) please see the Anthropology major.
The Anthropology/Sociology major is not offered to students who matriculated Fall 2023 or thereafter.

Anthropology and Sociology Major

A major in Anthropology and Sociology must complete ten courses within the department. Six of those courses comprise a core curriculum including:

ANSO 100People, Culture and Society
ANSO 290The Development of Social Thought
ANSO 316Contemporary Sociocultural Theory
ANSO 350Field Research Methods
ANSO 351Survey Research Methods
ANSO 460Senior Research Seminar

The other four courses are electives that a major may select from among the department offerings. At least three electives must be at the 300 level. ANSO 460 - Senior Research Seminar and one elective at the 300-level are waived for students undertaking a two-semester senior research in the department (ANSO 451 - Senior Research / ANSO 452 - Senior Research). In addition, majors in Anthropology and Sociology should select an advisor from the departmental faculty. Anthropology and Sociology advisors assist majors in both advance planning and selection of course work.

Anthropology and Sociology Minor

Completion of a minor in Anthropology and Sociology requires a student to complete ANSO 100 - People, Culture and Society, ANSO 290 - The Development of Social Thought, and either ANSO 316 - Contemporary Sociocultural Theory, ANSO 350 - Field Research Methods or ANSO 351 - Survey Research Methods and three electives for a total of 24 credits. At least one elective course must be at the 300-level. In addition, minors in Anthropology and Sociology should select an advisor from the departmental faculty (in addition to the advisor in their major). Anthropology and Sociology advisors assist minors in both advance planning and selection of course work.