Laura C. Harris Series

Upcoming Events

Here are just a few notable speakers from past years:
  • Alia Malek Alia Malek is the author of A Country Called Amreeka, a set of profiles of Arab-Americans.  Born in Baltimore to Syrian immigrant parents, she began her legal career as a trial attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division.
  • Seyla Benhabibis the Eugene Mayer Professor of Political Science and Philosophy at Yale University and director of the program in Ethics, Politics, and Economics, and a well-known contemporary philosopher. She is the author of several books, most notably about the philosophers Hannah Arendt and Jürgen Habermas.
  • Joan Roughgardenis Adjunct Professor at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, and a Professor of Biology, Emerita at the School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford.  She received her Ph.D. in Biology at Harvard University.  She has also been Associate Editor or Co-Editor since 2008 of Philosophy and Theory in Biology.
  • Angela Davis is Professor of Feminist Studies and Distinguished Professor Emerita of History of Consciousness at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Well-known for her activism, especially in the Civil Rights Movement, she focuses her work on women’s, gender, and racial equity and abolishing the prison-industrial complex.

About the Series

Laura C. Harris

The late Dr. Laura C. Harris was a pioneer in the medical profession and the embodiment of the Denison ideal. A member of the Class of 1916 (earning the Ph.B., or Bachelor of Philosophy), Dr. Harris was the first woman ever to receive a medical degree from Syracuse University. She also did post-graduate study at the University of Pennsylvania before beginning her medical practice in New York in the 1920s.

A pioneer medical educator among women, she was appointed a clinical professor of pediatrics at the State University of New York Medical Center at Syracuse.  Her teaching career spanned more than 30 years. In 1951, Dr. Harris was honored with a Denison Alumni Citation and in 1981 with an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree.  She died in 1987 at the age of 93.

The Laura C. Harris Endowment, the result of a major bequest from Dr. Harris’ estate, stands as a tribute to her memory, evidence of her clear commitment to women’s achievement and reinforcement of her belief in the importance of undergraduate education.  The objective of the Laura C. Harris Series is to enhance and promote the education of young women as students and as professionals and serve to promote the career opportunities and carry on the pioneering spirit of women students at Denison University.

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Series Archives

2017 - 2018

Student group with panel

The Laura C. Harris Series presents a panel discussion featuring transnational feminist scholars.

2016 - 2017

Photo of Elder Madonna

Elder Madonna Thunder Hawk discusses the current political climate on a national and global scale.

Dr. Rajani Kanth

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Harvard professor Rajani Kanth presenting "Reexaming (Euro) Modernist Idylls: The Ignis Fatuus of Democracy."

Photo of American critical theorist and feminist Nancy Fraser

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes American critical theorist and feminist Nancy Fraser.

Photo of Patrisse Khan-Cullors

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Patrisse Khan-Cullors, presenting an original production titled "POWER: From the Mouths of the Occupied."

Sister Campbell in front of a sign reading 'Nuns on the bus'

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Sister Simone Campbell to discuss bridging the political and economic divide in America.

Kathy Crutcher

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Kathy Crutcher, executive director of Shout Mouse Press, to give a reading of young writers' books.

Brittney Cooper

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Brittney Cooper presenting "#SayHerName: Toward a Gender Inclusive Movement for Black Lives."

2015 - 2016


The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Columbia professor Mae Ngai.

Ericka Huggins

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes human rights activist, poet, educator, Black Panther leader and former political prisoner Ericka Huggins.

Melissa Madera

The Denison Museum presents "Ar·ti·facts: Abortion Stories and Histories" by Melissa Madera, Laura C. Harris Fellow.

Angela Davis

Activist Angela Davis visits Denison.

Linda Kerber

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Linda Kerber presenting a lecture, "Can the Fourteenth Amendment Defend Itself?'"

Peter Slevin

The Laura C. Harris Series and Beck Series welcome author Peter Slevin as he discusses his book, "Unstacking the Deck: The Rise of Michelle Obama."

Citizenship, Identity and Indigeneity

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Dr. Castle, Jill Doerfler, Sarah Deer and Madonna Thunder Hawk for a panel discussion.

2014 - 2015

Photo of Rebecca Hains

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Rebecca Hains presenting "Girl Culture, Empowerment, and Consumerism: From Girl Power to Princess Culture."

Randa Jarrar

The Laura C. Harris Series and the Beck Series welcome author Randa Jarrar presenting a lecture, "Mapping Home."

Photo of Celia Williamson and James Marsh

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Celia Williamson and James Marsh presenting a lecture about human trafficking and prostitution.

Photo of Ruth Nichole Brown

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes author Ruth Nichole Brown presenting "The Creative Potential of Black Girlhood: A Performance Lecture."

Photo of Zama Coursen-Neff

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Zama Coursen-Neff, the executive director of the children's rights division of Human Rights Watch.

2013 - 2014

Photo of Dyan Mazurana

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Dyan Mazurana.

Photos of Laila Farah, Ann Russo and Cricket Keating

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes a panel discussion with Laila Farrah, Ann Russo and Cricket Keating on "Paths to Transformation."

Laila Farah

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Laila Farah performing "'Mapping the Struggle: Arab Feminist Resistance."

Photo of Linda Alcoff and Laura Gray-Rosendalep

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Linda Alcoff and Laura Gray-Rosendale presenting "College Girl: Telling our Transgressive Survivor Stories."

Laura Gray-Rosendale with her book

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Laura Gray-Rosendale presenting a reading from 'College Girl: A Memoir.'

Photo of Jack Halberstam

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Jack Halberstam presenting "Gaga Feminism."

Photo of M. Jacqui Alexander

The Laura C. Harris Series welcomes M. Jacqui Alexander presenting "On Border Crossings, Feminism, Transnationalism and You.'

Hanna Rosin

Laura C. Harris Series welcomes Hanna Rosin, founder and co-editor of DoubleX, Slate's women's section as she presents:"The End of Men."

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