
issue 01 | 2019-20 - spring
Spring 2020 – The Hill – Found

From Farm to Table
The Mosser family of artists began blowing glass in an abandoned chicken coop on their property. Today, their artistic digs have gotten an upgrade, but they still use the original molds first created in that coop. These beautifully textured glass products can be found at the Kussmaul Gallery in Granville—and bring a little farmhouse chic(k) to any kitchen. For more from Kussmaul, visit

The Perfect Pair
Admitted students to the Class of 2024 received a care package from Denison in April—just to bring a little Big Red good cheer as students look forward to the fall.

Money Bag
Founding president (1831-1837) of the Granville Literary and Theological Institution, John Pratt, used this box to hold donations for the new and financially threadbare enterprise. It was passed along to his successor Jonathan Going, who reported carrying it by horseback during the summer of 1841, to solicit funds for what was then called Granville College. Among the donations: two hats worth $6, one dozen caps worth $21, one pound of oil worth $30, and $211.67 in cash.

Iconic Look
On loan from the Museum of American Finance in New York, a reproduction of Victoria Woodhull’s silk dress can be found in the Robbins Hunter Museum on Broadway in Granville. Woodhull was a native of Homer, Ohio, and an American leader of the women’s suffrage movement. She was the first female candidate for the U.S. presidency and one of the first women stockbrokers on Wall Street.

Published May 2020
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