They Got Mail!

issue 02 | 2012-13 - summer
UnCommon Ground - They Got Mail!

Every April, the admissions office sends out acceptance letters for the new class, but the folks who work in that office and get to know those students don’t ever get to see their reactions to the good news. So this year, they had a favor to ask of the new members of the Class of 2017: Send in a photo of yourself and your letter.

The office received a lot of great ones—students smiling in front of their computer cameras, acceptance in hand. Other students got pretty creative. One young woman was jumping high in the air. Her dog stood beside her with a sign around its neck that read: “My human was accepted 2 Denison.” One gent took a photo of his letter with the Seattle Space Needle in the background. And Morgan Phoenix, of Oceanside, Calif., decided to have her picture taken at high speeds, halfway down the precipitous slope of a roller coaster. We’re not sure who the young lady is in the seat next to Phoenix, but she seems to be pretty psyched, too. 

Published March 2013
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