From the Archives

issue 03 | 2012-13 - fall
UnCommon Ground - From the Archives - Fall 2012

Daily morning services at Swasey Chapel—a mix of the Lord’s Prayer, hymns, and a sermon—were once a requirement for Denison students. The services were a chance for students and faculty to pray together as a community. By the 1940s students had to attend chapel only once a week, on Monday mornings, to receive credit toward graduation. How did faculty know who was pious and who wasn’t? Students were required to turn in tickets (like the ones shown here) to verify their attendance.

By the 1950s, chapel was no longer mandatory (though students continued to receive credit for attending), and by the ’60s, Denisonians could graduate without ever setting foot inside Swasey or uttering a single prayer.

These days, students interested in religious life at Denison may investigate any of the 12 student-led religious groups on campus through the Open House and the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life. No tickets required.

Published October 2012
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