Once Upon a Time...

issue 01 | 2011-12 - spring
Then & Now - Once Upon a Time - Spring 2012

Back row: Dave Zillig ‘78, Dave Secrest ‘78, Bill Ichord ‘76, Steve Knoop ‘78, Marvin Mills ‘75, Oren Henry ‘75, Dick Putnum ‘78. Front: Dana Burwell ‘78, James Hale ‘78, Rick Doud ‘76, Jim McManus ‘78, Jeff Woods ‘78, Brian Buchanan ‘75, Bob Silkett ‘78.

It was early—before noon—on a Saturday morning in October. With no concern for our rest, the Adytum photographer rapped hard on every door of our basement hallway, flatly shouting “Yearbook.” We stepped out into the dark cinderblock hall, bleary, in our underwear, not yet camera-ready. “Everybody outside in two minutes.” I don’t remember which of us had the first-rate idea to dress in Ironic Formal, but we used both of those two minutes to find our neckties and line up outside the back door of East Hall. Take a moment to appreciate our trim physiques, our hair, and our excellent wit. One of those things hasn’t changed.

Published April 2012
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