The Goodspeed Lecture Series welcomes Hal Taussig

Notice: this information is for a past event.
Ticket Info: Free

The Goodspeed Lecture Series welcomes Hal Taussig presenting “The Bible Bursts Its Seams: The Spiritual and Intellectual Benefits of an Unstable Bible.” Taussig is in his sixteenth year as visiting professor of New Testament at Union Theological Seminary in New York, where he teaches doctoral and masters level New Testament and Early Christianity. He also has been teaching for twenty-two years as professor of Early Christianity at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Wyncote, Pennsylvania. For forty years, Taussig has been bi-vocational as both professor and United Methodist clergy, serving on local church pastoral staffs and now appointed as the bishop’s consultant to churches in crisis in the Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference. He received the A.B. in Religion from Antioch College, the M.Div. from Methodist Theological School in Ohio, and the Ph.D. from Union Institute.

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