'Make Fascism Great Again? Confronting the Dangers of Historical Amnesia'

The Global Studies Seminar presents Chris Crews.

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The Global Studies Seminar presents “Make Fascism Great Again? Confronting the Dangers of Historical Amnesia” by Denison University’s Visiting Assistant Professor of International Studies Chris Crews.

This talk explores the alarming resurgence of fascist and white supremacist ideologies in the US and Europe. It explores how economic anxieties linked to globalization, resistance to cultural shifts driven by immigration, and fears about racial “downgrading” due to demographic changes are fueling the revival of far-right extremism. Drawing on historical precedents, the talk highlights how these factors are shaping a return to past eras where fascist political ideas and white racial terrorism gained widespread support. Through this lens, Crews explores how far-right extremist movements are constructing racialized visions of national identity while pushing to make their nations “great again.” 

Crews areas of specialization include global social movements, Indigenous rights, environmental justice, religious nationalism, and political extremism. He has a Doctor of Philosophy in Politics from the New School for Social Research in New York City, and an Master of Arts in Political Science from Ohio University. His recent academic publications include “The Far Right Culture War on ESG” in the journal Religions (2023) and the chapter “Environmental Justice and the Global Rights of Nature Movement” in the Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Politics and Theory (2023). He is currently working on a book titled “The Woke Wars, a history of culture war politics in the US and internationally.”

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