'Iranian Women Rise up to Topple the Islamic State'
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The Global Studies Seminar presents “Iranian Women Rise up to Topple the Islamic State” by Denison University’s Professor of Economics Sohrab Behdad.
In the past several months a popular mass uprising courageously led by women has spread and persisted in Iran in spite of the draconian oppressive actions of the Iranian government. The slogan “Woman, Life, Freedom” expresses the popular rejection of the overall oppressive condition of life that Iranians-especially Iranian women- experience under the rule of Islamic Republic. This presentation will place the current revolutionary movement in the context of the historical path of the repeated revolutionary upheavals in a quest for democracy, national sovereignty, and social justice in the past century in Iran. Where is Iran going?
Behdad is a professor of Economics at Denison University. Behdad was previously a Faculty of Economics at Tehran University (1973-1983), co-founder of Iranian association of University Professors-1978, and past President of Middle East Economic Association. His selected publications include: “Class and labor in Iran: Did the revolution matter?,” “Islam and the everyday world: Public policy dilemmas Iran after the revolution: crisis of an Islamic state,” “Women’s labour in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Losers and Survivors.” “What a revolution! Thirty years of social class reshuffling in Iran “A disputed utopia: Islamic economics in revolutionary Iran.”