Many of Denison’s sustainability projects were suggested and championed by members of the campus community. This list details some of them.

  • Campus Community Garden - a pilot campus garden to advance awareness and knowledge of food production and sustainable agriculture
  • Solar Arrays – solar panels on the roofs of The Homestead, Polly Anderson Field Station, and the Deeds Field-Piper Stadium concession stand
  • Organic Herbicides - testing various non-toxic alternatives to weed control on campus vs. using Round-Up
  • Shut the Sash - a labeling project for all campus lab vent hoods in an effort to reduce energy associated with heating and cooling lab spaces
  • Laundry Exchange - loans clothes-drying racks to students with the goal of reducing use of electric dryers
  • Reusable Water Bottles Campaign - reduces use of disposable water bottles being used in the Dance Department. The Dance building will be declared a “Disposable Water Bottle Free Zone”
  • Shoe Recycling - promotes waste minimization and collect and distribute shoes (through Soles4Souls) to people in need worldwide
  • Apartment Composting Program - cuts organic waste in student apartments and creates usable compost for campus landscaping projects
  • Weatherization Workshop - decreases energy consumption and trains students in home weatherization techniques for use on campus and in the local community
  • Bandersnatch Goes Green - purchased reusable dishware for a popular student-run coffee shop on campus
  • Green Model Dorm Room - promotes eco-friendly options in all residence hall rooms on campus. Features of the room include smart power strips, CFL and LED lights, organic sheets, drying racks, green cleaning supplies, Fair Trade foods, and Energy Star appliances.
  • Low Flow Fixtures - reduces water usage and increase student awareness, all toilets were equipped with dual-flush valves in Crawford Hall
  • Water Bottle Refilling Station - promotes the use of reusable water bottles on campus, two drinking fountains were converted to water bottle refilling stations
  • PEAS Rooftop Garden - created an herb and produce garden on the roof of Curtis Dining Hall
  • Service Learning, Sustainability & Social Entrepreneurship Workshop - promotes the incorporation of the triple bottom line of sustainability into the curriculum at Denison and in co-curricular activities
  • Aluminum Beverages – reduces plastic on campus, soda is sold in aluminum cans rather than plastic bottles, there is also an aluminum bottled water option
  • Bike Fix-It Station – encourages students to bike instead of driving by providing an easy and free way for students to fix their bikes
  • Library Timed Light Switches – improves energy efficiency, light switches in the library shut off after a set period of time