Students can exercise a general withdrawal from Denison at any time, including at any point in the academic semester. Students may choose a general withdrawal from Denison for a variety of reasons, ranging from a wish to be closer to family, to transfer and finish their studies at another institution, or other reasons. Many students who utilize the general withdrawal are permanently leaving Denison. In some limited circumstances, students may seek to return after no more than two semesters away.


A student is eligible for a general withdrawal when the following conditions have been met:

  • The student’s request is complete prior to the last day of classes and the student has not taken any final exams.

Requests for general withdrawal must be completed by 4:30 p.m. on the last day of classes for the semester during which the general withdrawal is sought. General withdrawals will not be reviewed or granted for a current semester during finals.

How to request a general withdrawal

Students must submit the request form online. As part of the request, students must include:

  • A personal statement that addresses why they are seeking a general withdrawal.
  • Grant permission for Student Life to consult with relevant Denison departments necessary for processing the general withdrawal request.
  • An acknowledgment that they have no guaranteed path back to Denison once the withdrawal is processed.