Data for Political Research (DPR) students are interested in why and how people and policies act in the way they do. Coming to understand human political behavior and policy impact hinges on 1) research design to turn theory into questions and 2) analysis and visualization of data generated by those research designs to reach confident conclusions.

Compatible with any major, the DPR minor offers desirable skills in any organizational, academic, or government setting: comprehension of social science research methods, writing with data for public audiences, and conducting original quantitative research.

Denison Data Blog is integrated into several Data for Political Research courses, which highlights how data skills developed in the minor are exportable to a wide range of social questions.

127 is a data mirror on Denison. With Associate Professor Paul Djupe as editor-in-chief, 127 investigates empirical social and institutional patterns at Denison that will be of interest to the community, that will help challenge or affirm conventional wisdom, and will provide reflection on practices and attitudes. Almost nothing is off the table, provided there are data to chase the question. Remember: in good faith we can seek truth through data.

For an overview of the project, check out Matt McHugh’s journalistic account. If you are interested in writing for 127, check out this post and contact Paul Djupe.