In This Together is Nov. 8,9,10 from 5:00-8:00 pm at the Mulberry Gallery
4 = 1Ω is Nov. 8,9,10 at 8:00 pm in the Doane Dance Performance Studio
The Denison Department of Dance presents I BECOME WE, a pairing of two new pieces presented in two different spaces over the course of three days. Both projects will be performed Thursday-Saturday, November 8-10, 2018. These events are free and open to the public, with no reservations required although seating is limited.
In This Together—a durational performance installation choreographed by Visiting Assistant Professor Michael J. Morris with the performers Náamah Leerdam ‘19, Maddie McKenney-Lydick ‘20, Wynn Patrick ‘20, and Lunamar Muñoz Rodríguez ‘22—will be presented from 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. each evening in the MIX Gallery in Mulberry House. Audience members are invited to come, stay, and go as they please. This performance is produced through one-on-one interactions with audience participants while also functioning as a visual and auditory spectacle for visitors witnessing the piece. Bringing together the imagery of tarot cards, spoken text, ambient sound, and the potential for touch-based interactions with performers, In This Together invites visitors to make meaning through finding connections between these various elements. This is a shared experiment in complexity, in making sense of the ways that experience holds seemingly unrelated phenomena together, and in creating or discovering nonlinear, intuitive structures of significance.
4 = 1Ω—a new dance choreographed by Visiting Assistant Professor Momar K. Ndiaye—will be presented at 8:00 p.m. in the Doane Dance Performance Space.
This 20 minute long piece is performed by Maïlys Dagan ‘19, Nayeli Hernandez ‘20, Alex Rivera ‘19, and Bridget Ryan ‘19, on an original music composed by Matthew Dixon. This work is inspired by the slogan “all for one, one for all” which is the fundamental pillar of many communities…
In 4 = 1Ω (four equals one omega), undulation, fluidity, isolation, asymmetry, syncopation, polyrhythm, velocity, playfulness, metaphors, and physical challenges are conveyed to redefine vocabulary and find a “neutral space”, a common denominator. Finding that common denominator does not mean a denial or an erasure of our own self, rather, a support system prone to highlighting the self: individualism in the service of togetherness…
Please note that the Doane Dance Performance Space is not wheelchair accessible.