Computational Science Concentration

The Computational Science concentration consists of four core courses —
MATH 145Multi-variable Calculus
MATH 213Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
CS 173Intermediate Computer Science
CS 181Data Systems
One of
CS 109
Discovering Computer Science
CS 111
Discovering Computer Science: Scientific Data and Dynamics
CS 112
Discovering Computer Science: Markets, Polls, and Social Networks
and an additional course which may be in another department, that must have a strong and persistent mathematical modeling or computing component and must be approved in advance by the Department of Computer Science.

In addition, students must take a two-semester sequence of courses in a department other than Mathematics or Computer Science. A written plan for completing the concentration must be approved by the Department of Computer Science before the end of the student's junior year of study and prior to enrollment in the elective courses.   In particular, the elective course and cognate requirements specified above must be chosen consistently with a valid educational plan for the study of Computational Science (as defined above). Any mathematics major who wishes to complete this concentration must choose non-math courses as their elective courses. Any computer science major who wishes to complete this concentration must choose non-computer science courses for their elective courses. A double Mathematics and Computer Science major is not eligible for this concentration.

Please see the Computer Science degree requirements for an overview of requirements necessary to complete this concentration.