The Center for Learning and Teaching invites the Denison community to read its 2023-2024 Impact Report.

A few highlights:

  • The Denison Teaching Seminar, designed for tenure-track faculty in their first three years, has continued to thrive. Over 30 faculty participated in biweekly sessions focused on community building, effective classroom discussions, and getting feedback from students, to name a few.
  • The center piloted a Seminar for Visiting Faculty, which was well received and will continue to be offered. In addition, the Denison Reflection Seminar, for faculty in years four through six, met regularly to connect and prepare for their tenure review.
  • Thirty-five faculty members presented in one of 12 Teaching Matters Sessions, and over 80 individuals attended overall. Topics included engaging students, facilitating group conversations, finding time to think, organizing group work, managing student research, balancing flexibility and rigor, navigating difficult dialogue, discussing academic integrity, understanding how learning works, seeking work-life balance, using object-based pedagogy, and supporting students’ mental health.
  • External experts Todd Zakrajsek and Cyndi Kernahan joined us for workshops on Dynamic Lecturing and Navigating Difficult Conversations respectively. An Ethics of AI presentation was attended by about 80 faculty, staff, and students. Thirty faculty and staff joined for Healthy Minds, Thriving Campus, and more than 50 faculty took part in a summer reading group.
  • Finally, the center remains a vital source of knowledge on emerging trends. The Tuesday Teaching Tech and Tidbit (TTT) blog now boasts 400 subscribers, with an impressive average open rate of nearly 70%. The center also distributed 200 books on important topics such as ungrading, inclusive teaching, faculty burnout, and digital wellness.

Looking forward, the center is starting its 10th academic year and has invited two external faculty for an onsite review to help inform and guide the next decade.

October 4, 2024