Denison Magazine - Issue 2 | 2016-17 - Summer

issue 2 | 2016-17 - summer

Admission offices across the country are struggling to meet their enrollment goals as the challenges facing higher education increase.

Interview by Linda Vaccariello

photographed by Sarah Frankie Linder

In her new book, Underground Fugue, Associate Professor Margot Singer shows how human connection can survive history’s most fearsome echoes.

Illustrations by Wesley Allsbrook

A World of Wicked Problems

A group of Denison students traveled to the Netherlands to discuss problems that don’t have easy answers—or, really, any answers at all.

Uncommon Ground - A World of Wicked Problems - Summer 2017

In Memoriam

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Maureen Harmon


Denison Magazine, 100 West College St.

Granville, OH 43023

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